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The PICTOFiT Virtual Styling component can be used fully standalone, by simply generating a link to open a specific collection. This would not integrate the PICTOFiT Virtual Styling component into the website and needs no technical integration at all.


To create a link to start the PICTOFiT Virtual Styling component in standalone mode you just have to encode the customer and collection id into the following URL. For example, to show the collection with the id gid://pictofit/collection/demo/everyday-essentials-acc for the customer identified by 428ab0cd-3205-4674-a188-08d5b0355406, you need to encode the url with following values:

Collection-ID: gid%3A%2F%2Fpictofit%2Fcollection%2Fdemo%2Feveryday-essentials-acc

Customer-ID: 428ab0cd-3205-4674-a188-08d5b0355406

The resulting URL:

Try it out!

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