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Privacy Statement

We use your personal information as this Privacy Statement describes. No matter where you are, where you live, or what your citizenship is, you have the same high standard of privacy protection when using Reactive Reality's products. The PICTOFiT Shopify App uses functional cookies to ensure the correct delivery of our services. Furthermore, we use cookies for tracking the user behaviour for statistical purposes.

Functional cookies

When entering the virtual dressing room, we create a global unique ID for your session and store it in your browser's session storage. This is required to ensure proper tracking of dressing room sessions and billing of the merchant. The generated unique ID is random and not linked with any of your personal information (e.g. your store login or contact information). When closing the browser tab or window, this information is removed and a new unique ID is created the next time you enter the store and the virtual dressing room.

The selected avatar, scene, garments in the dressing room and dressed garments are persisted in the session storage. This is required to ensure a consistent behaviour of the virtual dressing room over the different pages of the online store. The stored information is not linked with any of your personal information. It is removed when closing the browser window or tab.

Statistical cookies

The merchant can (optionally) enable statistical user behaviour tracking in our virtual dressing room. If enabled, we anonymously track your sessions in the dressing room. This includes duration of your sessions, user retention, visited pages in the dressing room and user behaviour (dressing garments, sharing outfits, creation of avatars). The information is stored in the browser persistently (unless cleared) in order to track a user over multiple sessions. The tracked data is not linked with any of your personal information (e.g. your store login or contact information). To perform the tracking, we use Google Analytics as the underlying framework. Please also refer to their privacy statement for more detail information. The collected information is used to improve the user experience of our virtual dressing room.

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