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Pictofit is usage-based. This means you only have costs when you or your customers use our technology. Usage can be:

  • Creating a virtual garment

  • A virtual try-on session (browser session in which the virtual try-on is used)

Each action costs a certain amount of credits (find pricelist here: ). You can access an overview of your credits in the PICTOFIT Virtual Try-On app by navigating to the admin section.

This page provides comprehensive information about your current credit balance, a conversion list for various usage types, and a detailed transaction history (is updated once per day).

Charging your account

Upon initial installation, you will receive a starter package of 50 credits. To replenish your credit balance, access the PICTOFIT App within your Shopify admin section. This can be done at your convenience. Simply click on one of the Manage credits buttons in our app, and you will be directed to our available packages. Choose the one that best suits your needs. Alternatively, you can opt for an auto-renewal plan, which will automatically add your chosen package of credits every 30 days, ensuring you always have a sufficient balance.

Your purchased credits will be instantly available for use.

Downgrading and upgrading the auto-renewal: You can upgrade or downgrade your selected auto-renewal package at any time. Please note that any changes you make will take effect with your next 30-day billing cycle. If you require additional credits during the current period, you can always purchase a one-time package.

Canceling the auto-renewal: You can cancel the auto-renewal at any time. This can be done on the manage credit screen. If you have an active auto-renewal, you will find all the relevant information at the top of this screen, including a Cancel auto-renewal button.

Note: There are no refunds for credits that have already been purchased.

Using the credits

Creating virtual garments: You can see the cost of creating a virtual garment on the Create virtual garment modal. Ensure you have a sufficient credit balance in your account, as you will not be able to proceed with creating a virtual garment if you do not have the required credits. The necessary credits will be automatically deducted from your account after making the virtual garment request. If you have an insufficient credit balance, an error message will be displayed.

Virtual Try-On Session: Every time there is a session on your shop, in which the virtual dressing room is included, there will be a credit automatically subtracted from your account. During a single session, your customers can use the virtual dressing room as many times as they wish, and it will be counted as only one session.

To accommodate potential fluctuations in session usage, your account may temporarily carry a negative credit balance for up to 10 days. After this 10-day period, the virtual dressing room will be deactivated for your store. Therefore, it’s important to monitor your credit balance.

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